The Battle of Altars
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Battles of Altars: Spiritual Technology for Divine Encounters…is another Blockbuster book from Dr. Francis Myles in the order of his bestselling book, Issuing Divine Restraining Orders from the Courts of Heaven! It contains power-packed revelation and prayers of activation that will unravel the ancient mystery behind the biblical subject of altars and how they affect us on a daily basis. This book will show you that all spiritual warfare comes down to the battle between righteous and evil altars in your soul or bloodline. In his usual, prolific apostolic writing style, Francis Myles will usher you into the world of altars. You will come to appreciate why God or Satan can never use a man or woman without first raising an altar.Inside the pages of Battles of Altars: …you will learn:•Why all spiritual warfare in the Bible, your life or country comes down to the battle between righteous and evil altars!•How to identify evil altars that are operating in your soul or generational bloodline and destroy them.•How to overthrow the evil altars of your father’s house (bloodline)!•How to take evil altars into the Courts of Heaven and successfully prosecute them in Jesus name•About the spiritual connection between the Law of Dominion and the platform of Altars!•About the 12 spiritual laws that govern both righteous and evil altars •Why the Altar of the Cross of Christ is the Highest Altar on Earth!•How to recognize when the platform of a political party has become an evil altar for launching Satan’s influence over a generation•How to appropriate in your prayer time, the spiritual significance of righteous altars erected by men of God in the Bible, such as Noah, Abraham and so forth!•How to PROTECT your children from satanic influence generated by Music from evil altars.•Plus much more!